Entropy. I still shiver when I hear that word, since I never fully understood that concept. Today marks the first time I was kind of forced to look into it in more detail. And by “in detail”, I mean I found a StackOverflow question that had something to do with a problem I am having (sound familiar?). The problem was is about complexity of time series and one of the suggested methods was Sample Entropy.
#used packages
library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling
library(pracma) # for Sample Entropy code
library(Rcpp) # integrate C++ in R
Sample Entropy
Sample entropy is similar to Approximate Entropy and used for assessing the complexity of time-series. The less “complex” the time series is the easier it may be to forecast it.
Sample Entropy in R
I found two packages that implement sample entropy,
and nonlinearTimeSeries
. I looked into
first but the data structure seemed a bit too complex on first glance (for me!).
So I decided to go for pracma
. When you are ok with the default parameters, then you can simple call
ts <- rnorm(200)
## [1] 2.302585
Simple. Problem is, I need to calculate the sample entropy of 150,000 time series. Can the function handle that in reasonable time?
#calculate sample entropy for 500 time series
A <- matrix(runif(500*200),500,200)
## user system elapsed
## 40.775 0.004 40.782
This translates to several hours for 150,000 time series, which is kind of not ok. I would prefer it a little faster.
Sample Entropy with Rcpp
Sample Entropy is actually super easy to implement. So I used my rusty c++ skills
and implemented the function myself with the help of Rcpp
"double SampleEntropy(NumericVector data, int m, double r, int N, double sd)
int Cm = 0, Cm1 = 0;
double err = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
err = sd * r;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N - (m + 1) + 1; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < N - (m + 1) + 1; j++) {
bool eq = true;
//m - length series
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m; k++) {
if (std::abs(data[i+k] - data[j+k]) > err) {
eq = false;
if (eq) Cm++;
//m+1 - length series
int k = m;
if (eq && std::abs(data[i+k] - data[j+k]) <= err)
if (Cm > 0 && Cm1 > 0)
return std::log((double)Cm / (double)Cm1);
return 0.0;
The code can also be found on github.
Let’s see if it produces the same output as the pracma
ts <- rnorm(200)
## [1] 2.302585
## [1] 2.302585
Perfect. Now let’s check if we gained some speed up.
## user system elapsed
## 0.084 0.000 0.084
The speed up is actually ridiculous. Remember that the pracma code ran 40 seconds. The Rcpp code not even a tenth of a second. This is definitely good enough for 150,000 time series.